ISBN-13: 9781849395717

RRP: £5.99

Published: 2nd May 2013

Length: 80 Pages

  • Paperback

The Dragonsitter Takes Off

Dear Uncle Morton, Ziggy won’t move from the linen cupboard. He still hasn’t eaten a thing. Not even a Malteser. I’m really quite worried about him.

Eddie had thought that this time dragonsitting would be easy – until Ziggy disappears, only to be found in the linen cupboard, refusing to budge. But moving Ziggy is the last thing on Eddie’s mind when he learns that his uncle’s dragon has been keeping a big secret . . .


"A brilliant follow-up to The Dragonsitter"

"This book is full of chuckles"

"Made me cackle. Endearingly funny. Beautifully illustrated."
Study In Ink Blog

"A brilliant follow up for all of Eddie and Ziggy’s fans."
Julia Eccleshare, Lovereading