ISBN-13: 9781839132964

RRP: £12.99

Published: 3rd April 2025

Length: 32 Pages

  • Hardback

It's Behind You!

Nana and Gramps don't know what they're missing out on, if only they'd look behind them!
A walk in the park with Nana and Gramps is always a lot of fun, but they’re terribly slow and their grandchild isn’t allowed to race ahead. Walking dutifully behind them, the child is soon joined by a long line of fantastical characters: a bear, a monster from the sewers, a pirate and his crew . . . Those grandparents would never believe who else is on their walk, if only they’d look behind them!


"Hilarious insight into the importance of joy and taking more notice of one's surroundings"
Bookseller's Buyers Guide