ISBN-13: 9781842704240

RRP: £10.99

Published: 3rd February 2005

Length: 40 Pages

Igor, The Bird Who Couldn't Sing

Igor has a loud and distinctive voice, and he cannot sing in tune. He is drummed out of the Dawn Chorus for not being musical enough, so he takes singing lessons. But his teacher says that not only is he always out of tune, he has no rhythm either. Poor Igor. He goes off into the desert, where at least he can sing to himself without being asked to stop. He builds a nest on a big rock, and starts to sing. But the rock is in fact a gigantic bird - a Dodo! - who likes his music so much it wakes up in order to join in.


"'Kitamura's stylish illustrations draw readers into a mesmerising world where music is interpreted as kaleidoscopic shapes waft through the air.'"

"Igor loved music but couldn't sing in tune. He couldn't even join in the dawn chorus - the other birds complained that he spoiled their lovely music.

No amount of practising seemed to improve things and Igor was very crestfallen. But one day his song awakes a very old bird who loves his unique sound and they sing a glorious duet!"
The Teacher

"'An endearing hero, ravishing colour, a lyrical-graphic equivalence for musical sounds in patterned shapes that float and soar: this is Satoshi Kitamura at the very top of his formidable game.'"
Jane Doonan - TES

"'Musical harmony is represented visually by colour and line which dance across the page.'"
Prue Goodwin - Literacy News, UKLA

"'This book is beautifully illustrated, in quirky cartoon fashion, with splashes of colour dancing around the pages to represent the music. This offering will show children that making music is a joyful experience, regardless of how it sounds.'"
Kristen M. Todd - School Library Journal (NY)