ISBN-13: 9781783449316

RRP: £8.99

Published: 5th September 2019

Length: 288 Pages

Words: 288 Words

All Fall Down

A deadly contagion races through England...

Isabel and her family have nowhere to run from a disease that has killed half of Europe. When the world she knows and loves ends for ever, her only weapon is courage.

The Black Death of 1349 was the deadliest plague in human history. All Fall Down is a powerful and inspiring story of survival in the face of real-life horror.


"A gripping young adult novel"
The i

"This is a gripping novel… children who love history’s grisly bits will enjoy"
We Love This Book

"I was gripped by this book… Highly recommended"
Historical Novel Society

"An incredible story of survival and courage"

"A gripping and thought-provoking novel"
The History Girls blog

"Nicholls showcases the exceptionally brutal nature of the Black Death throughout... the insurmountable stress creating rifts between family members and believable domestic conflict... a greatly immersive read that would be perfect for a history class."
Teach Secondary